Tuesday, March 22

Tips Untuk Gembira

salam ollz,
kita jumpa lagi,
kali ni sy nak share ngn korg tips untuk rasa gembira,
how to make u feel happy, freely tenteram gitu :)
sebelum tentu korg jgan teruja sgat nak bace ni taw,
cool je..he3

everyone can make you smile but not everyone can make u happy right?

tak mahu stress2 sangat, buruk sgat muka nant,
murahkan senyuman, tak mahu bermasam-masam kn,

hope bergunalah ntok korg sume * termasuk sy ni ^_^

1. Endeavor to change the way you look at things. Always look at the bright side. The mind may drag you to think about negativity and difficulties. Don't let it. Look at the good and positive side of every situation.

hah, ini sangat betol..
it depend on how u look on something, it'll cause you..
please be careful..

if people don't like you for who you are then so what? just ignore them, they aren't worth your time..
Kalu betol lah dia kawan korg, they will like you no matter what or how you are as a person..

just take it like thats ^_^

2. Think of solutions, not problems.

untuk korg selesaikan masalah, korg mesti refer semula pada punca masalah..
not problems-because we learn from yesterday, life for today and hope for tomorrow (^,^)

3. Listen to relaxing, uplifting music.

for me, music kdang2 boleh mententeram kn jiwa.. 
music was invented to confirm humans loneliness,
tp music yg balik mententeramkn ialah Al-Quran ^_^
sometime kn, we all need time to relax and just do nothing..

need to step outside, get some fresh air..
remind yourself who you are and who you want to be !!

4. Watch funny comedies that make you laugh.

hah ! ini yg slalu sy amalkan..mmg berkesan lah..
sronok je gelak..haha..tgok raja lawak ke, oh yeah ke, just for laugh ke..hehe
in fact, Laughter is the greatest weapon we have and we, as humans, use it the least..
rugilah korg tak gelak puas2 :)

5. Each day, devote some time to reading a few pages of an inspiring book or article or watch such motivate movie or video like 3 idiots, persuit of happiness, gracie's choice, brother nouman ali talk and etc..ianya berkesan kot..korg boleh je search kt youtube..byak sgat video yg memotivate kn kita..

6. Watch your thoughts. Whenever you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, start thinking of pleasant things.

Just because it's hard doesn't mean you should give up.It means you should try even harder
never lose hope because every single of us wants happiness nobody wants pain but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain right ?

positive thinking sees the invisible, 
feels the intagible and can achieve the impossible

7. Always look at what you have done and not at what you haven't

The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of evrything they just make the most everything that comes along their way.

senang tak nk jadi happy ??
kalau korg rase korg belum cukup gembira korg leh lah
amalkan tips ni :)

Maxim Gonky cakap :  Happiness always look small while you hold it on your hand, but let it go and you learn at once how big and precious it is..

p/s : ape2 pon, kalau korang sume nak hepy korg kenalah kembali padaNYA (pencipta kita, ALLAH), insyaAllah gembira itu akan datang

moga bermanfaat semua ^_^


  1. salam ziarah,

    nice sharing..
    and keep updating.


  3. sangat2 membantu! tima kasih :)

  4. najihah : tengs, insyaAllah :)

    izyan : aah, comel kn..amik tumblr..leh je nk amik, silakn ^_^

    reva : yeah :)


Tuesday, March 22

Tips Untuk Gembira

salam ollz,
kita jumpa lagi,
kali ni sy nak share ngn korg tips untuk rasa gembira,
how to make u feel happy, freely tenteram gitu :)
sebelum tentu korg jgan teruja sgat nak bace ni taw,
cool je..he3

everyone can make you smile but not everyone can make u happy right?

tak mahu stress2 sangat, buruk sgat muka nant,
murahkan senyuman, tak mahu bermasam-masam kn,

hope bergunalah ntok korg sume * termasuk sy ni ^_^

1. Endeavor to change the way you look at things. Always look at the bright side. The mind may drag you to think about negativity and difficulties. Don't let it. Look at the good and positive side of every situation.

hah, ini sangat betol..
it depend on how u look on something, it'll cause you..
please be careful..

if people don't like you for who you are then so what? just ignore them, they aren't worth your time..
Kalu betol lah dia kawan korg, they will like you no matter what or how you are as a person..

just take it like thats ^_^

2. Think of solutions, not problems.

untuk korg selesaikan masalah, korg mesti refer semula pada punca masalah..
not problems-because we learn from yesterday, life for today and hope for tomorrow (^,^)

3. Listen to relaxing, uplifting music.

for me, music kdang2 boleh mententeram kn jiwa.. 
music was invented to confirm humans loneliness,
tp music yg balik mententeramkn ialah Al-Quran ^_^
sometime kn, we all need time to relax and just do nothing..

need to step outside, get some fresh air..
remind yourself who you are and who you want to be !!

4. Watch funny comedies that make you laugh.

hah ! ini yg slalu sy amalkan..mmg berkesan lah..
sronok je gelak..haha..tgok raja lawak ke, oh yeah ke, just for laugh ke..hehe
in fact, Laughter is the greatest weapon we have and we, as humans, use it the least..
rugilah korg tak gelak puas2 :)

5. Each day, devote some time to reading a few pages of an inspiring book or article or watch such motivate movie or video like 3 idiots, persuit of happiness, gracie's choice, brother nouman ali talk and etc..ianya berkesan kot..korg boleh je search kt youtube..byak sgat video yg memotivate kn kita..

6. Watch your thoughts. Whenever you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, start thinking of pleasant things.

Just because it's hard doesn't mean you should give up.It means you should try even harder
never lose hope because every single of us wants happiness nobody wants pain but you can't have a rainbow without a little rain right ?

positive thinking sees the invisible, 
feels the intagible and can achieve the impossible

7. Always look at what you have done and not at what you haven't

The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of evrything they just make the most everything that comes along their way.

senang tak nk jadi happy ??
kalau korg rase korg belum cukup gembira korg leh lah
amalkan tips ni :)

Maxim Gonky cakap :  Happiness always look small while you hold it on your hand, but let it go and you learn at once how big and precious it is..

p/s : ape2 pon, kalau korang sume nak hepy korg kenalah kembali padaNYA (pencipta kita, ALLAH), insyaAllah gembira itu akan datang

moga bermanfaat semua ^_^


  1. salam ziarah,

    nice sharing..
    and keep updating.


  3. sangat2 membantu! tima kasih :)

  4. najihah : tengs, insyaAllah :)

    izyan : aah, comel kn..amik tumblr..leh je nk amik, silakn ^_^

    reva : yeah :)
