Tuesday, March 29

Kaedah Khatan Perempuan di Afrika

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a hellacious practice in which at least 150 million women and girls in Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and, yes, America are horribly mutilated. (In case korang tak tahu, the operation is performed on 6,000 girls in America every day). 

Dan benda ini sudah difilem kan
n mybe akan ditayangkan x lame lagi,
trailer die korg leh tgok kat link sini

korang tahu tak ape itu FGM ??
kalu bahasa kg kita sunat lah,

hah, amacam ?
kejam tak cara diorang sunat ?

sy dapat article ni dlm english,
so, malas nk rajinkan diri translate,
korg faham sendirilah ek,

Female Genital Mutilation (also known as female circumcision or cutting) is a destructive procedure in which a female’s external genitalia are partly or entirely removed or injured in order to inhibit a woman’s sexual feelings. A professional female circumciser or a traditional midwife usually performs FGM, though a healer, barber, nurse or doctor trained in Western medicine occasionally performs it. The procedure is usually performed without anesthesia under catastrophic hygienic circumstances. Some of the instruments used to perform the procedure are knives, scissors, razor blades or pieces of broken glass.
The mutilation is most often performed before puberty, often on girls between the age of four and eight, but recently it has been increasingly performed on girls only a couple of days, weeks or months old. After, the remaining parts of the outer lips are sewn together leaving a small hole for urine and menstrual flow. The scar is opened before intercourse or giving birth, which causes additional pain.

In many countries, girls who don’t have the operation are ostracized, kicked out of their village, and may not get married.Many subjected to this cruel mutilation either bleed to death or die from infections after the cutting. 

hah. gerun tak ? hehe

klu kita lelaki tak sunat takleh kawin kn ^_^


  1. broken gelas tu dia pakai... eee,, malas aku nk pk doww... takut sey.. tak dapat bayangkan..


Tuesday, March 29

Kaedah Khatan Perempuan di Afrika

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a hellacious practice in which at least 150 million women and girls in Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and, yes, America are horribly mutilated. (In case korang tak tahu, the operation is performed on 6,000 girls in America every day). 

Dan benda ini sudah difilem kan
n mybe akan ditayangkan x lame lagi,
trailer die korg leh tgok kat link sini

korang tahu tak ape itu FGM ??
kalu bahasa kg kita sunat lah,

hah, amacam ?
kejam tak cara diorang sunat ?

sy dapat article ni dlm english,
so, malas nk rajinkan diri translate,
korg faham sendirilah ek,

Female Genital Mutilation (also known as female circumcision or cutting) is a destructive procedure in which a female’s external genitalia are partly or entirely removed or injured in order to inhibit a woman’s sexual feelings. A professional female circumciser or a traditional midwife usually performs FGM, though a healer, barber, nurse or doctor trained in Western medicine occasionally performs it. The procedure is usually performed without anesthesia under catastrophic hygienic circumstances. Some of the instruments used to perform the procedure are knives, scissors, razor blades or pieces of broken glass.
The mutilation is most often performed before puberty, often on girls between the age of four and eight, but recently it has been increasingly performed on girls only a couple of days, weeks or months old. After, the remaining parts of the outer lips are sewn together leaving a small hole for urine and menstrual flow. The scar is opened before intercourse or giving birth, which causes additional pain.

In many countries, girls who don’t have the operation are ostracized, kicked out of their village, and may not get married.Many subjected to this cruel mutilation either bleed to death or die from infections after the cutting. 

hah. gerun tak ? hehe

klu kita lelaki tak sunat takleh kawin kn ^_^


  1. broken gelas tu dia pakai... eee,, malas aku nk pk doww... takut sey.. tak dapat bayangkan..
