Wednesday, March 9

Kasih Sayang Seorang Ibu

Kisah Pertama

Kisah ni berbentuk komik,
orang ckap citer ni diadaptasikan dari kisah benar..

klik gambar untuk lebih jelas :)

Kisah Kedua

Dibawah ialah gambar terakhir mendiang Gemma Hogg (31) bersama anak beliau Thomas. Gemma yang mengidap kenser payudara berkeras untuk menghantar Thomas untuk hari pertamanya di sekolah, meninggal dunia sehari selepas gambar-gambar ini diambil! 

It was a final show of defiance against the disease which would take her life tragically young.
Determined to see her four-year-old son’s first day at school, Gemma Hogg discharged herself from the hospice where she was being cared for and made the journey with Thomas by her side.
The following day the 31-year-old died in her sleep surrounded by her husband Simon and their three children.
Proud mum, proud son: In a final act of defiance against the cancer which was to take her life the following day, Gemma Hogg, 31, checked out of the hospice where she had gone to die to see her son Thomas go to infant school. Here she stands with him outside the family home before they set off
Yesterday Mr Hogg described his wife as ‘inspirational’ for the courage she had shown as she fought an aggressive form of breast cancer.
He said: ‘She was happy as a mother, it seemed to complete her. She was never interested in material things, she just loved having her family around her. She wasn’t supposed to come out of the hospice but that was Gemma – she was stubborn to the end.’

Gemma tahu bahawa beliau akan meninggal dunia kerana walaupun sudah melakukan mesektomi dan rawatan kemoterapi sejak 2008, kanser pada tubuh beliau masih gagal dihapuskan. Oleh itu beliau berkeras juga mahu menghantar Thomas ke sekolah walaupun dalam keadaan lemah. She will not miss her child first day in school!

Untuk menghadapi saat mati, Gemma sempat mencetak gambar beliau pada bantal-bantal untuk anak beliau dengan kata-kata;

"When you need a cuddle I’m always here”

That is her way to make sure when she is gone her 3 children would still get to "hug her". Beliau juga sempat menghasilkan "memory box" yang diisikan gambar dan love notes kepada ahli keluarga beliau.

 Hampir2 menangis bace kisah ni. Sedih amat! 

hargailah mak ayah kita selagi mereka masih ada,
bg yg sudah tiada mak ayah,
slalulah doakan untuk kesejahteraan mereka..

The Prophet (SAW) said :

“ Your jannah lies under the feet of your mother ” 
(Ahmad Nasai)

p/s : esok nak call mak :)

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Wednesday, March 9

Kasih Sayang Seorang Ibu

Kisah Pertama

Kisah ni berbentuk komik,
orang ckap citer ni diadaptasikan dari kisah benar..

klik gambar untuk lebih jelas :)

Kisah Kedua

Dibawah ialah gambar terakhir mendiang Gemma Hogg (31) bersama anak beliau Thomas. Gemma yang mengidap kenser payudara berkeras untuk menghantar Thomas untuk hari pertamanya di sekolah, meninggal dunia sehari selepas gambar-gambar ini diambil! 

It was a final show of defiance against the disease which would take her life tragically young.
Determined to see her four-year-old son’s first day at school, Gemma Hogg discharged herself from the hospice where she was being cared for and made the journey with Thomas by her side.
The following day the 31-year-old died in her sleep surrounded by her husband Simon and their three children.
Proud mum, proud son: In a final act of defiance against the cancer which was to take her life the following day, Gemma Hogg, 31, checked out of the hospice where she had gone to die to see her son Thomas go to infant school. Here she stands with him outside the family home before they set off
Yesterday Mr Hogg described his wife as ‘inspirational’ for the courage she had shown as she fought an aggressive form of breast cancer.
He said: ‘She was happy as a mother, it seemed to complete her. She was never interested in material things, she just loved having her family around her. She wasn’t supposed to come out of the hospice but that was Gemma – she was stubborn to the end.’

Gemma tahu bahawa beliau akan meninggal dunia kerana walaupun sudah melakukan mesektomi dan rawatan kemoterapi sejak 2008, kanser pada tubuh beliau masih gagal dihapuskan. Oleh itu beliau berkeras juga mahu menghantar Thomas ke sekolah walaupun dalam keadaan lemah. She will not miss her child first day in school!

Untuk menghadapi saat mati, Gemma sempat mencetak gambar beliau pada bantal-bantal untuk anak beliau dengan kata-kata;

"When you need a cuddle I’m always here”

That is her way to make sure when she is gone her 3 children would still get to "hug her". Beliau juga sempat menghasilkan "memory box" yang diisikan gambar dan love notes kepada ahli keluarga beliau.

 Hampir2 menangis bace kisah ni. Sedih amat! 

hargailah mak ayah kita selagi mereka masih ada,
bg yg sudah tiada mak ayah,
slalulah doakan untuk kesejahteraan mereka..

The Prophet (SAW) said :

“ Your jannah lies under the feet of your mother ” 
(Ahmad Nasai)

p/s : esok nak call mak :)

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